
Mostrando las entradas de 2016

A photograph

Now I'm gonna talk about something that I saw in Puerto Varas the last year. I was walking with my mom and a friend through the Cost Vicente Perez Rosales when I stop and I saw the museum of Pablo Fierro, unfortunately it was closed and it was my last day in Puerto Montt. But my friend told me that the museum is very special, becouse the thing that are inside of it. I hope that I can return to there and walk inside of this particular building or maybe I can visit it someday in another country, becouse, for what I know, it's a walked museum, the last time that i visit his page, they said that they was in Brasil.


I know that it "sounds" weird that I'm next to talk about a band of music that the most part of the world don't know, but I love it and I decided that I'm going to make this blog in honour of them. I know Pantera when I was a child, my brother takes my mp3 and put some of his songs in there, i remember that sometimes I was listening Ska and from the nothing appears a song of Michael Jackson, and in one of this song there was an hymn of they, called "Cemetary Gates " and i love it, even knowing that I don't understand the letter, but the feeling in the voice of Phil Anselmo and the way that Dimebag Darrell plays the guitar anoyed me, and i fell in love, I wanted to know all, where they are from, all his songs, the polemics about them, when they came to Chile. etc. etc. In other words i became a fan of they, even now I still have a T-shirt of they, that I bought in the Eurocentro. Sometimes I wish that Dimebag can returns from the death and I can have

My favourite piece of technology

If someone asks me about my favourite piece of technology I would say that the cellphone is , without no doubt, the chosen one from me. I think that becouse is very easy to use, in a short time I can call my mom, talk to my mates, send an image and knowing the last news. I can study form there, solve doubts, find answers, watch videos , listen my fauvorite music. If in the night I can't sleep I search a meditation that helps me to fall asleep, if i need to go somewhere that i don't know, I can seach it too. It facilitate the life in some parts, but now it's taking control to the most part of our lives, and that is dangerous. By the way, that is why I love my cellphone .

Why did I choose to study Geography...

I started this year, and I decided to study this (Geography) becouse I think that is very interesting how the society and the enviroment works thogether. How the society can change with an economic model, how the geography influences all the other careers even if they don't realize it. An example of that is how the buildings are built around an especific place, and the people who live there. I know that some people think that i'm studying something innecesary or with no future, but they are so wrong!. Geographers are so important in this world, but not many people can see that, I'm not saying that we are the best, it's impossible, but if we (the geographers) doesn't exist, it's so dificult for the other exist. The enviroment for the species in the planet, doesn't matter what type of kind it is, is an important factor for they evolution, for they requeriments.

Who am I?

Well my name is Yessenia Alenn Roman Matthies I'm from Maipu , Chile. I live for a year in Peru (2013), and I'm currently  studying Geography at the University of Chile. I'm from an small family, I only had one brother and i live with my parents very near to a Metro station. When I was five years I go to the Kinder in a very small school from Quinta Normal, in that time my granmothers pick up me, and when I finished the 6th grade I enter to the Liceo 1 from Santiago, I remember that I was exausted for the long day. In 2nd grade I went to Peru and I study in a school called Saco Oliveros, in Lince. It was pretty near to my house and I got a lot o friends there, I arrived in Chile the 28th of February of 2014 and then I return to the Liceo. The last year I study in a Preuniversitario and then I'm here.

Natural Disasters

I'll talk about the natural disasters happened in Chile in the last decade. Becouse I think that is important to know what is happening, more than the why, becouse we don't know the whys of the nature. 1 .-We all heard that in the year 2010 in Chile was a big eathquake that it evens move the Earth's axis in some grades, that obviusly made the difference. I remember that I was sleeping becouse it was too late and my grandmother was at home that night. i was in a air bed so i dont feel anything, I only wake up when I was in the ground, becouse my mother tries to wake me. I remember that the movement was oscilating and the cables of the power lines were making some king of lightenings, more than the sky does in that moment.* I was scared, but at the same time, i was admirated by the power of the nature. 2 .- The disaster happened in the Region of Atacama the last year was annoying, the drought was in there for a lot of years, and one day to another it is totally covered wi