
Hi there!
Today I'm going to talk about my friend called Ana. I meet Ana when I was in the first year of high school. I remember that she changed, with two other girls, they classroom because of troubles that they get there. We meet because she was attracted by the group that I used to have, but we don't used to be closest as when I came back to Chile after a year.
The thing that I liked about her is her transparency in the way that she express the things that she don't like, and the strong that she have... in her mind, because she es a little person haha. If someday you get to meet Ana you wouldn't realized that she likes a lot any stuff that, in her opinion, looks kawai, so she is a fan of anything related to cats, bunny's, pink, bears and anything that Japan makes look adorable.
We like to talk about the things that we like in common, like varieties of tea, makeup, clothes and other superficial thing that makes us happy hahahaha, but also we debate in the contingency of anything that is happening, like elections, literature, and stuffs like that.
She is studying in University Andrés Bello the career of occupational therapy and she is in the second year. I never know in deep that she was going to study that, so when she tell me i was surprised for real! So yeah, that is my friend!

Regards to everyone!
PS. Stay strong in this weeks!


  1. I knew Ana in high school too. She is a nice person<3
    I hope that you can maintain this friendship


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