
Hi there!

One of the citys that I wanted to know the most since I know it is Viena. This city is located in Austria and it has a lot of history, and that it's the thing that impulses me. One of the principal attractions that they have is Royal Opera, other one is the Stephansdom o cathedral of San Esteban, it has one of the most amazing buildings that i have ever seen in my whole life, it's just amazing. In front of it is the San Esteban square (Stephansplatz).  And also, a lot of royal gardens in the city where you can go and spend your time like you're from the royalty.
One of the reasons why I want to go, appart from what i added in the fist parragraph is that the classic music that i liked was made and played there, and the art there is also an important way to make more turists to go to the city.
If I go there I would like to try to speak in german, that is one of the goals that I want to achieved in my life; I would like to know more about the culture and to taste the difference between the austrich beer and the german one hahaha.
In this travel I would like to go with my mom, becouse I know that she wants to know Europe and she hadn't the chance to do it, but the only bad part is that she doesn't like much the beer :(.
Here I put some amazing pictures that I haved found of this part of the world, hope you enjoyed this. de imagen para viena


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