My blog experience

Hi there!

Today I’m going to talk about the experiencies that I haved making this blogs that you have seen in my page. For start…well one of the post that I enjoyed the most doing is the one about the special meals, because it reminds me the good times that I haved in Perú, that was many and how much I laughed when I throw water bombs to my neighbors hahaha. But for the other side, the one that I liked the least is the one about friends, because I don't have to many *sad music plays* and the ones that I have are closed to me every time (no, they are not imaginary..I think). 
The most difficult to write was the one about the family, because, even knowing that I posted a picture of us, it was difficult, if not impossible to find a picture of my brother with us, and is not that he is dead, is a little bit complicated to explain. 

For other part the blogs that I have enjoyed the most are the Camila and Goye's one. For Camila is because she is one of the closest friends that I have, and the crazy stuff that she put in her blog, like her special ability to put faces, make me laugh every time I see it hahahaha. For Goye I found interesting what he put in his blog, and the way that he writes, even knowing that he is not an expressive person, he founds the perfect words to describe the things. I would like to mentioned also the Sergio’s blog, he is so cute! And even knowing that I haven’t comment anything in his blog for a very long time, every Fridays I see his blogs.

Regards to everyone and thanks for making this such a great experience <3


  1. Thanks to you! It was nice reading your blogs.
    Not everybody is in good terms with their families, but I hope things get better in time so you have your heart in peace.
    Have a nice end of the year, take care and be strong!

  2. Hi yess:
    I found very funny your Blogs, and I also read your blogs xd

  3. Hi Yess
    Thanks for your words :), I read all your posts too and I thought it was very interesting


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