My blog experience
Hi there! Today I’m going to talk about the experiencies that I haved making this blogs that you have seen in my page. For start…well one of the post that I enjoyed the most doing is the one about the special meals, because it reminds me the good times that I haved in Perú, that was many and how much I laughed when I throw water bombs to my neighbors hahaha. But for the other side, the one that I liked the least is the one about friends, because I don't have to many *sad music plays* and the ones that I have are closed to me every time (no, they are not imaginary..I think). The most difficult to write was the one about the family, because, even knowing that I posted a picture of us, it was difficult, if not impossible to find a picture of my brother with us, and is not that he is dead, is a little bit complicated to explain. For other part the blogs that I have enjoyed the most are the Camila and Goye's one. For Camila is because she is one of the closest friends th...